Tag Archives: Hispanic College Fund

The Top 7 Ways to Write a Winning Scholarship Application

images-3I was judging scholarship applications over the weekend for the Hispanic College Fund and I thought it might be useful to pass along these observations and tips.

1.  Write for your audience.  This is basic advice for most business writers, but for some reason it is lost on many applicants.  Think about your audience and what will move them to give you a good score.

2.  Spelling and grammar count.  I was amazed at how many spelling and grammar errors I found in the applications I was judging.   I try not to judge others harshly for their errors (I’m not perfect either) but this is a highly competitive scholarship process and spelling counts.

3.  Answer the questions.  Community service was a big part of the application but several people didn’t address this in their essay.  They might have had a great record in community service, but I couldn’t tell from their application.

4.  Sell yourself.  There’s a fine line between selling yourself and bragging, but successful applicants will walk that line and sell the attributes that make them stand out from the rest.

5.  Tell me a story.  Everyone loves a good story.  Everyone hates reading “dry” applications.  Make it a good read.  Tell me your story, evoke some emotion, make me identify with you.

6.  Use the letter of recommendation to add to and amplify your application.  It seemed that a lot of applicants asked someone to write a letter and were happy to include anything they received.  Make sure your recommender reads your application before they write their letter and ask them to amplify and confirm what you’re telling me.  If you’ve done a good job in the application, this will be easy for them.

7.  Ask several people who are knowledgeable about scholarship applications to read your application and make suggestions on how you can make it better.  Expect to write several drafts until you feel it is perfect.  

Good luck to all scholarship applicants and I wish you the best in all of your endeavors.

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Filed under Hispanic marketing

Virginia Hispanic Youth Symposium

I received an email this morning from Rosa Castillo at the Hispanic College Fund about the need for volunteers for the upcoming Virginia Hispanic Youth Symposium.

The symposium has been designed for local High School students and will be held from July 16-19, 2008 at the University of Richmond.  The participants of this 1st Annual Richmond Hispanic Youth Symposium will convene at the University of Richmond for a three-night, four-day program that allows them to develop a network of peers and mentors, learn about resources and tools for college, and develop a long-term career vision.

They’ve assigned me to judging the speech contest, where participants need to give an unprepared 2 minute speech.  Better them than me.  I’ll be judging on execution and content.  

Which way should I go?  Randy Jackson or Simon Cowell?


UPDATE:  I had a great time on Friday at the Virginia Hispanic Youth Symposium.  Each of the speech makers put a lot of hard work into their presentations and it showed.  I was so impressed with the enthusiasm, poise, creativity and willingness to give back to the community that was demonstrated in every speech.  Volunteer opportunities like this don’t come along very often.  Thanks to the organizers of the Virginia Hispanic Youth Symposium for including me.  I learned a lot!


Totally unrelated, I just came across this article from Virginia Business Magazine that talks about Hispanic Outreach for GetLoaded.com.  Keep on truckin’.

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